Dear ,
As of yesterday, only 6.4 percent of registered voters in Virginia had voted using early voting sites or mail-in ballots (figures from VPAP and VA Board of Elections). With less than two weeks to go, we have work to do.
Although I care about issues and I care about particular candidates, I vote because it is my privilege and responsibility in a democracy. It is an opportunity to use the power God has given me.
If you've voted already -- great.
If you haven't, you have three options:
- Vote at an early voting site between now and Saturday Nov. 4. Find locations near you HERE.
- Request an absentee ballot HERE by this Friday, Oct. 27. The ballot must be delivered to your registrar or a drop box by election day or postmarked by election day and received by noon three days later.
- Make a plan for election day, Nov. 7. Polls show that voters are much more likely to actually vote if they have a plan for doing so. If you don't want to vote early or use an absentee ballot, make a plan. And remember, you can register the same day as you vote, thanks to Virginia's same-day voter registration law.
Whether you've voted yet or not, we all can encourage Virginia friends and family to vote. Simply cut and paste the information above.
And it is not too late to encourage members of your congregation to vote. Join the more than 77 congregations in pledging to be 100 percent voting. Take the pledge HERE. See the full list of congregations below. You'll get a free banner to hang inside or outside that publicly reminds people and you'll get a toolkit with notices for your bulletin and other resources to make 100 percent voting a reality. Take the pledge today and help your congregation encourage its members to vote.
Fewer than seven percent of registered voters have voted. We can change that!
Kim Bobo Executive Director |