Dear , I must confess that I've become a Virginia political junky. Last thing I did last night before bed was check the VPAP primary results....and then the first thing early this morning. I was struck by three things: 1) Every vote counts. Several of the races were very close. In SD 29, the democratic primary candidates are 46 votes apart and the republican primary candidates are 10 votes apart (as of this morning). That's tight. 2) Turnout matters. Kind of a corollary to every vote counts, but getting people to the polls not only mattered for candidates, but it matters for the issues we care about. Turnout is historically low in the year prior to the Presidential elections, so we have work to do between now and November to make sure that people vote. Getting your congregation to take the "100 percent voting" congregation pledge is one concrete thing you can do to help with overall turnout. Sign up below. 3) Lots of new legislators. As I was reading all the names of people I didn't know, especially in the solid blue or solid red districts (e.g. the ones in which we suspect the primary winner will be the general election winner), I was feeling overwhelmed by how much work we have to do to build relationships with and educate these legislators on VICPP priorities. There will be little time between the November election and when the General Assembly begins, so we need to start meeting with these candidates who are likely to be the elected legislators. Please let me know if you can help organize a meeting with a new legislator who is likely to be the person elected. I'm hoping that every VICPP roundup reader voted yesterday (or via early voting or absentee ballot). If not, pledge today to vote in the general. Sincerely, Kim Bobo Executive Director