As I shared in last week's roundup, the state house and senate elections before the presidential elections have historically low turnout. With the redistricting confusion, we are concerned election turnout will be even lower, thus we have work to do. You can help develop our statewide voter engagement plan by joining the training next week -- a week from today. (See the registration below.) And, we've got the first couple of congregations that have pledged to work with us on being 100 percent voting congregations -- Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, First Congregational UCC and Second Calvary Baptist Church. Work with your congregational leadership to pledge to become a 100 percent voting congregation. You can complete the pledge online below. First step -- make sure you know your districts. Then, work with us to get more involved. Taking elections seriously, Kim Bobo Executive Director P.S. May 30, 2023 (next Tuesday) is the last day to register ahead of time to vote in the June 20th primaries. You may register later and cast a provisional ballot.